Listing Format: | Auction |
Current price : | 5.00 ( Reserve met ) |
Starting bid: | 1.00 |
# of bids: | 1 |
Closes: | Auction is closed |
Location: | Auckland city, Auckland |
Started: | 6/03/2021 3:44:40 PM |
Ended: | 7/03/2021 10:53:53 PM |
Seller: | Aslam (0) |
High Bidder(s): | Ron (1) |
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PC TrickleSaver
Reduced wasted standby power from PC Peripherals such as monitors, speakers, scanners,Printers.
Save Electricity, save money, Reduce your carbon Footprint.
How this work.
Automatically switches off pc peripherals when PC is shut down.
PC ON peripheral on.
PC off= Peripherals off.
works with existing electrical power boards.
More Information : contact 0212350841
simply you need to plug in to electrical power Boards, what ever you plug in this power
board will be off when your computer off because you need to plug in USB cable in to computer unless USB get power from computer power on, once USB have no power electicity from board will be off even you plug off USB Cable from computer , electical board will not have power.
Good thing when you turn off computer every thing will be off.
Pickup: Maybury Street, Point England, Auckland
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