New Zealand Online Auctions & classifieds
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You can search for items on the Home Page or browse items by category. To place a bid or sell an item you must register for an account. (Please Note upload Photo size 500 Pixils or less) 

Auction - A Traditional Auction listing allows you to sell items to the highest bidder. You specify the start price, and people bid against each other in specified bid increments. Traditional Auctions allow the Seller to set both a Reserve and Buy Now price. When listing a Traditional Auction, the quantity of goods is equal to one.


  • One pair of jeans has a quantity of 1.
  • A lot of 5 different men’s shirts have a quantity of 1 because they are all sold together as one item.
If you have 5 men’s shirts that are exactly the same and you want to sell each one separately, then use the Dutch Auction format.

Dutch Auction – A Dutch Auction is another name for a multiple item auction. These listings are for selling more than one identical item individually in an auction format. Rather than creating a listing for each item, you can sell them all, one at a time, with one listing. Buyers can submit a bid for one, or multiple items in a Dutch Auction listing. When there are multiple buyers for a Dutch Auction, the item’s final cost is the lowest successful bid by the highest bidders.

Fixed Price
- A Fixed Price listing does not allow bidding. The seller specifies the only acceptable price for the item(s). You can sell one item or multiple identical items with one Fixed price listing. Because there is no bidding on fixed priced listings, all items are Buy Now.

Classified Ad
- Unlike traditional text only classified ads, our Classified Ads allow image uploads and dynamic communication between the Seller and all potential Buyers. When listing a Classified Ad, you enter your asking price, the shipping cost, and any information about the item or service you are selling. When an arrangement has been reached between the buyer and the seller, the seller can manually end the Classified Ad.

Trade - A Trade listing allows you to exchange goods or services with another user. You can choose to accept or decline any posted offer. When listing an item for Trade, you only have to enter the shipping cost. Since the goods are not for sale, you will not be asked to enter a price.

Buy Now - When listing an item, you may have the option of setting a Buy Now price. The Buy Now feature allows instant purchasing.

The Buy Now feature is available for the following listing types:
  • Traditional Auction
  • All Fixed Price listings - The Fixed Price is automatically the Buy Now price.

Reserve - The Reserve price is the absolute minimum dollar amount the Seller will accept for an item. Buyers are notified after placing their bid if it is below the Reserve price.If a Buyer's maximum bid is greater than the Reserve price, the Reserve is automatically met and that user is the high bidder. The ability to set a Reserve price is only available to Traditional Auctions .

Searching - There are two ways to seach for items, Basic Search and Advanced Search.

Basic Search - Accessible from both the Home Page and Browse.

  • Enter Keywords, Item #, or Username

  • Select appropriate search parameter

    • Title & Description

    • Item #

    • User

  • Click "Search" button

Advanced Search - Accessible by clicking the "Advanced Search" button on the Home Page

The following options are available for the Advanced Search:

  • Load Saved Search - Use a previously saved search.

  • Category - Select a specific item category or "All Categories."

  • Search - Enter Keywords or Item #. To search Title & Descriptions check the appropriate box.
    The following options are available for keyword search:

    • All of these words

    • Any of these words

    • Exactly these words

  • Item Options - Used to search custom item fields. Example: ISBN # for textbooks.

  • Refine Your Search - Narrow the search. Reduce the number of search results by setting specific searchable properties.

    • Price Range

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Words to Exclude

    • Listing type

      • Classified

      • Fixed Price

      • Auction

      • Dutch

      • Trade

    • Listing Options

      • Completed

      • Buy Now! only

      • No Reserve only

      • With Pictures only

  • Display Format - How to organize the items your search returns.

    • Items Ending First - Items with the least ammount of time left first.

    • Items Ending Last - Items with the longest ammount of time left first.

    • Newest Items First - Items with the most recent start date.

    • Oldest Items First - items with the oldest start date.

    • Lowest Price First

    • Highest Price First

    • Most Bids First

    • Least Bids First

    • Alphabetically

    • Reverse Alphabetically

Press "GO" to activate Advanced Search.



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BestTrade:Online Auctions & Classifieds