User Information is the personal data you must supply to register for an account.
Begin by selecting a unique username for your account. This is not only for gaining access to the website, but it is how you will be recognized by other Buyers and Sellers. All alphanumeric and some punctuation characters are allowed.
Enter a valid email address. Just like your username, your email address will be unique to your account. This email address will be used to verify your account. Continue entering your information.
The following fields are required:
Full name
State (or Region)
Zip or Postal Code
Home Phone Number
The following fields are optional:
Work Phone Number
Now select a strong password to use when you log into your account. Your password will be case-sensitive, and the best passwords contain numbers, uppercase, and lowercase letters.
Confirm your password. By entering your password twice, you confirm that you have typed it correctly.
When your User Information is complete, click "Continue" to proceed to Billing Information.
Billing Information fields are automatically filled using the address information you provided for your User Information. If your Billing Address is different from your Home or Company Address, please adjust the information accordingly.
The following fields are required:
Full name
State (or Region)
Zip or Postal Code
The following fields are optional:
You may be prompted for Credit Card information. The following fields are required for Credit Card use:
Card Number (16 digits)
Card Expiration Date (MM/YYYY format)
Card Type
Security Code / CVV2 Number
VISA, MasterCard, and Discover - The last 3 digits AFTER the credit card number printed in the signature area of the back of the card.
American Express - The 4 digits located on the front of the card above the card number.
When the form is complete, click "Register."
The last step is Account Verification.
To finalize your registration, you will need the Verification Code that was sent to the email address that you used for registration.
[Insert sample verify account log in image here]
Just enter your email address, your Verification Code, and your password to verify and log into your new account.